Flymax Aircraft's Blog

Read up on the latest updates of the services and advice that Flymax Aircraft can offer you.

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We are a home grown business that relies on people like you to grow. We are extremely grateful for your help. Please do us a HUGE favor and subscribe to the Flymax Aircraft Facebook page and YouTube channel to see new aircraft weeks before they ever even hit the general market 

5005 Hits

Need to sell your junk aircraft??? Sorry, you've got the wrong number!

​We don't sell junk!  We've built our reputation through hard work and we are not going to jeopardize that.  We get asked, almost daily, to represent miscellaneous to market.  Statistically, we represent approximately 30% of our brokerage requests.  Simply, if we wouldn't be proud to own it....we're not going to sell it!&nb...

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7781 Hits

FlyMax Aircraft is proud to partner with Technical Resource Solutions

Enjoying the new website? We're good, but we're not that good. Thanks to the professionals at Technical Resource Solutions, LLC, FlyMax Aircraft has an updated look! 

8289 Hits

'Tis the Season to Sell!!!

Like houses, Summer time is the peak season to sell your aircraft!!! Only a month or so remaining to take advantage!!! This is the strongest market since 2007!!! 

6362 Hits

Aircraft are Flying Off the Shelf!

Its that time of year folks! Aircraft are selling earlier than we have seen since 2005! We are excited to keep this pace throughout the peak sales season (May-November). If you have something to sell, send it our way…the time is now!!! 

5480 Hits

FlyMax Aircraft Welcomes a New Member to the Family!

FlyMax Aircraft would like to welcome Mr. Amilkar Solaris to our family. Amilkar is the proud new owner of one of the nicest Beechcraft 36 Bonanzas I have ever had the pleasure to fly. We are proud that Amilkar chose FlyMax Aircraft to manage, and protect his prized possession. I personally had the pleasure to fly with Amilkar, and his lovely wife ...

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5216 Hits